Thursday 22 August 2013

A Parent's Guide to Disney Infinity - Toy Box Downloads

If you have and of the HD versions of Disney Infinity (Not Wii or 3DS) you can download extra pre-built Toy Boxes from the Internet. There are currently 5 additional Disney made packs to download. Just follow these steps:
  1. Connect your game console to the Internet and set up your Disney account. If you are already a member of another Disney service, such as Disney Movie Rewards, use that login.
  2. From the title screen choose "The Toy Box".
  3. Choose "Toy Box Share".
  4. Choose "Disney's Toy Boxes".
  5. Download each of the 5 levels. Once they're downloaded you can play them from this screen, which can also be accessed through the start menu at any time.
Each of the 5 levels offer different gameplay experiences. These were created in Toy Box, which means nothing you see here is something that you could do and all items will eventually be unlocked. The current Toy Boxes are:

This Toy Box is more of a level. Go through the Wonderland themed obstacle course and hedge maze. This stage has a pretty satisfyingly ending too.

Floating Castle
Visit a floating castle in the sky and grind some rails or fly around in a helicopter to see the view.

Medieval Arena
Make your own fun in this pre-built arena. There isn't much to do here but it's a great showcase of the variety of Toy Box.

Tron Sugar Rush
In this small Toy Box explore the elements of Tron or Sugar Rush from Wreck it Ralph. You can also drive a light car (with no trails).

Explore a Toy Box version of e Disneyland park. All the major attractions are there!

Have fun exploring these extra Toy Boxes or use them as inspiration for your own levels! Hopefully Disney releases more soon.

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