Friday 23 August 2013

A Parent's Guide to Disney Infinity - The Disney Infinity Website and Web Codes

Each Disney Infinity character comes with a unique online code you can register. The Disney Infinity website also offers ways to track your in game statistics. It only works if you've already linked your Disney Infinity account on you game console with your profile. After logging into your account at choose My Profile by clicking your username on the top left.

Game Stats
Here you can see a variety of stats about your Disney Infinity experience including challenges completed, enemies defeated, and stars collected. The more you play and add to your profile the higher the player level will grow.

My Characters
Clicking on the characters you have linked to your profile provides you with all kinds of stats about that character including level, Sparks, enemies defeated, and races won.

Registering Codes
All new characters and play sets come with a 12 character online code. Enter these into the box on the hompage (click Home). Registering these will allow you to play with these characters in the upcoming iPad and PC versions of Disney Infinity.

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